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Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Home Alone!

WHOO HOO! I am home ALONE!

Don't you just love it when you have your entire house, apartment, space, hell your bathroom for that matter, all to yourself? How blissful these times are. Come on, there's a difference when you're married or have roommates, compared to having a full house that includes kids! Really, when was the last time you were able to use the bathroom or soak in a hot bath without being bothered? Still thinking?

This was another hectic morning. Trying to get the monster to school, nagging at the husband to help, looking for the keys and my mind reeling of things that need to get done today. Finally we're off. Did the drop off, got some gas, ran an errand and picked up my father in law for his Dr. appointment. Then my husband did something right... he looks over and says to me, "Why don't you just stay home and I'll take Dad to the Dr.", I ran so quick to open the door, "O.K. babe, drive safe and I'll see you later!".

I walked them to the truck. Made sure they buckled up and had all the paperwork and insurance card, gave them each a kiss and said see you later. Walked back into the house and shut the door, WHOOO HOOO! I grabbed that remote so quick, threw on my soap opera, (Young and the Restless), just happened to remember where I had that chocolate stashed, kicked up my feet... ahhhh!

I think to myself, hmm, I can catch up on a few things. Reorganize the closet, separate the rest of the laundry, finish up some paperwork, etc. Nah!


Stefani @ said...

Had to watch Victor and Nicki get married for the 100th time?

Karen MEG said...

I haven't watched Y&R in the longest time - what a treat!!!! To actually have control of the remote, I mean :)

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